human body hitting and attacking sports and entertainments all over the world.
Looking back to the origins of human warfare, it’s clear that conflict is deeply related to protection of home and kin, and not to killing for its own sake. Yet, however compelling the reason, killing is a difficult act with difficult consequences. War is the most destructive and pitiless of all human activities. War and combat kills, maims, and terrifies. In ancient Rome, gladiator fights occurred as a form of entertainment (like modern-day sports). Gladiators would fight to the death, sometimes accompanied by animals, to entertain the masses of the cruel minded olden days human crowds at Rome. Violence was used as both a source of fun and celebration as well as a means for cruelty and despair where many suffered. Thousands would come together to watch different types of violent entertainments that the elite of Rome provided. The gladiators themselves were usually slaves, criminals, or prisoners of war. Occasionally, the gladiators were able to fight for their freedom. But sometimes hungry animals fought against gladiators in contests called venationes. ("wild beast hunts").The gladiatorial games were officially banned by Constantine in 325 CE. Constantine, considered the first “Christian” emperor, banned the games hence they had no place “in a time of civil and domestic peace”
Today the world have changed a lot from the character and behavior of the olden days war monger primitive barbaric, brutal and inhuman nude people who ate raw to fired, smoked flesh of fellow humans and other animals as cannibals. Throughout the past history of the planet earth the killing of fellow humans in wars and combats for land expansion, maintain superiority, unlimited sex, food, etc. was the way of life.
Now the present era is the most advanced and knowledgeable world and most of the people have been educated and civilized to the maximum. So we shall not lead the brutal barbaric life even today. There must be a thorough analyzing and thought process to allow the continuation of only good and right things which are very essential and humanity oriented to infuse love and peace of mind to the entire present and future human race.
Therefore it is the very high time to start hate and eliminate the cruel and brutal body hitting and attacking sports from all over the world to have a very peaceful, human friendly, beautiful, healthy and happy world. We have to imbibe the fine qualities to the minds of all the living people of the earth particularly the youths and young ones. It is a must of the time to soften the youth as to avoid terrorism and other conflicts.
In this context I wish to advocate for the banning of all the body hitting, punching sports and entertainments like all kinds of Boxing, WWF/WWE scripted professional wrestling matches, etc since they involve the premature death of so many participants mainly due the severe injuries and even a few have had lost their lives on the matches themselves. Most of the premature deaths of the participants of these matches are mainly due to heart attacks / failures, brain damages, kidney and lung problems, drug abuse as well as suicides. The most stringent hours together day long hard practices, heavy building up of body size with unlimited strong foods, steroids, etc and the must maintaining of ferocious character and behavior have been causing so many bad things to the participants including damaging of the inner body system especially of weakening the nervous system.
Because of these unnatural attitudes there have been continuous premature loss of lives among the players of these dangerous sports. In February 1995 it was established approximately 500 boxers have died in the ring or as a result of boxing in the last 50 years. As per the records about 1876 number of boxers had died due to boxing between the years 1890 – 2019. It is reported that about 11 deaths have been occurring every year in boxing. In the WWF/WWE matches the following number of deaths have recorded in the last 50 years. 30 persons under 30 years, 104 under 40, 135 under 50, 153 persons above 50 but below 60. There might be unaccounted numbers also in both of the events.
Many organizations like World Medical Association, peace promoting NGOs and activists all over the globe, etc have demanded the banning of all the inhuman body hitting sports. In fact what these sports have been doing to the world society except the cruel, perverted and blood heating entertainments and changing the human race as inhuman. What are the real uses and effects of such sports in the service of humanity towards the building up of good characters and behaviors, promotion of world peace, employment to innumerable jobless population around the world many of whom have been starving and dying everyday without least income and food. Nothing and only promote wildness, cruelty, hardness, inhumane mentality, ferocious character and behavior, loss of – love and kindness, humanity, peace of mind and totally all the bad things. In today’s society many families have no real love and affection within their family members because of the prevalence of rough and tough surroundings. It is very sad and disturbing that people of certain countries have always been more cruel throughout the history with the habit of enjoying the pains, injuries, breaking of limbs, blood bathing of fellow human beings causing disability and dying with loud pain cries, culture of killing by gun shooting and so on.
In fact I have also foolishly watched and enjoyed these unnecessary spoiling things. But fortunately I realized the evil things including addiction habits and came out of it. After that I am feeling more healthy both physically and mentally. Therefore it is begged before the global societies to convert to good and important matters to move the world towards the kind and lovable approach leaving maximum cruel evil items out of the earth.
At the same time other self defense oriented martial arts sports and entertainments like other kinds of wrestling events and games may very well be continued as they are mainly to establish the superior physical and mental strength and tactics without attacking and injuring the body. I had also vigorously practiced Taekwondo in my early twenties. In addition to that more concentrations to be given to promote all kinds of cultural, traditional activities and art forms throughout the world with maximized exchange programs to entertain the masses with softened humanity based practices to bring and maintain permanent peace all over the world. The foremost concern of the world authorities must be to ensure sufficient food and water, health and dwelling facilities to all the people of the entire globe than anything else. Now the Covid-19 menace have also been shattering the total earth and also there are sure possibilities of future new diseases with the emergence of other new viruses and various microorganisms. Please do the needful to eliminate such cruel sports and entertainments from this beautiful world without more delays as a good service to humanity.
Place : Tamilnadu, India. Dated 21st April 2021. Thanking You All for favorable action. Yours sincerely …Abimani Chandrasekaran (Founder – WRF)