உலக சீரமைப்பு இயக்கம்
Introduction : WRF is an international independent service organization (non-fund raising) to present, organize and claim/contend to implement world reforms and it is a non-regional, non-religious, apolitical, not pointing to any particular individuals, groups, etc.
TRIBUTES in memory of Pioneers of World Refor
ms In Remembrance of Famous Philosophers
Purpose : For the publication and presentation of Author’s (Founder) new innovations, inventions, works & activities of social causes, thoughts, ideologies, suggestions, guidance etc. as well as the ensured important innovations and best activities of great people around the world for the further betterment of the humanity towards providing a stable peaceful life to the maximum people of the world.
Objective : Maximum betterment of humanity and complete peaceful world.
Slogan : 'Alter To The Better'
Prime Desires : 1. World be rightly reformed for stable peace. 2. Races Unite.
Country of origin : India
Founder - President : Abimani Chandrasekaran
Independent Inventor,
Writer and Social Worker
Gender : Male
Nationality : Indian
Education : University of Madras
Mother Tongue : Tamil (Thamizh)
Honorary Secretary :
Mr. C.R.Jaya Sukin, Advocate
Supreme Court of India
Member - Supreme Court Bar Association
New Delhi.
Honorary Treasurer :
Mr. P.P.Kalai Arasu MBA
Prominent Industrialist and
Philanthropist, Singapore.
Honorary Brand Ambassador :
Miss. Keerthy Suresh BA(Hons)
Eminent Indian Actress, Model,
Entrepreneur and Humanitarian
Description : It has been the bounden duty of the author as the founder of ‘World Reform Foundation’ to explain Why this organization has been formed / created and necessary for the world.
The main motto of this institution is to provide new innovations and guide & give suitable suggestions and solutions to the world societies and authorities for the ways and methodologies towards the comparatively easy, simple, healthy and real happy life within the available resources in their own surroundings.We shall not come to the
final conclusion that everything in the world have been being perfect since we have been doing and practicing hereditarily and continuously for very long period. Many small things have made wonders in the world history in many sectors. It is always not necessary to go behind only towards complicated procedures all the time in all the cases.
There must always have the questioning capability about the illogical and unscientific practices and systems - Why and How are they right or wrong or necessary or unwanted or could be continued in the present forms or to be reformed / refined.
Prompt Declaration : WRF is not meant for making of any money or receiving of any benefits like awards, rewards, gifts, donations etc.or publicity stunt but true enlightening of the world community towards permanent peace around the world.
Quotes of the Author : 1. Have eager on all good things 2. Keep well all good people.
Correction to the famous Quote : Existing - Nothing is impossible -WRONG. Correction - Many things are possible – RIGHT
Functioning Pattern of WRF : It is not to blame anyone unnecessarily and reasonless and not to boring with the non-essential information and writing of useless things to this fast moving world community.
It is not only to address and find impurities in the world community but to give definite better solutions and reformative methodologies on logical and scientific approach.
WRF will function as a world body in general with no bias. Some or many contents, publications, etc may not be acceptable to all the people of all the countries of the world since many variations are present between the people of various regions in culture, tradition, history, economy, life style, languages, etc.
Therefore it is not a mandatory that every activity of WRF have to be accepted by whole of the world. It might be satisfactory that let the individuals may consider whichever material is suited to them.
Very Important Request of WRF : The foremost concern of the world authorities must be to ensure the primary things of sufficient food & water, health & dwelling facilities with stable peaceful life to all the people of the entire globe than anything else. Things like sports, entertainments, festivities, grand gala extravagance celebrations / constructions, etc shall be next or last only.
Poor countries are requested to do not unnecessarily spend more money, time, energy and concentration on the above secondary items to compete/on par with rich nations for the sake of empty pride till such a time to fulfill the most essential matters.
Definite Conclusion of WRF :
The UNO and its Permanent Security Council could only be considered as an urgent arrangement on the aftermath of World War-ll. When the United Nations Organization is reformed as of a 'WORLD PARLIAMENT' with new voting pattern by abolishing the present disproportionate, illogical, biased and unscientific permanent Security Council maximum problems of the world could certainly be solved one after another in very short duration. 'THIS WOULD BE THE ONLY OPTION TO GET THE STABLE WORLD PEACE' - Certainly no other possibility. (1 Million population = 1 Population unit & Fraction of million = Equal fraction unit)
Example: Approximate votes of few nations by this formula with 2018 population & Per Capita Income of nations at that time.
#Lowest voting strength (including a nation with below one vote) of a nation shall be fixed at ONE.
A nation can vote in full or part or share the votes between the parties in any percentage or abstain in disputes between nations or within a nation. Votes above 50% for normal disputes and more than 60% or 2/3 majority for extraordinary circumstances like the decision of raging war etc. may be fixed for finalizing the verdict.
Disclaimer : The information provided by ‘World Reform Foundation' is for general informational purposes only. All information on the site is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the site.
Legal Jurisdiction of WRF : Madras High Court and Supreme Court of India.
World Reform Foundation hereto agree that any matter or issues arising hereunder or any dispute hereunder shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of situated at Chennai or New Delhi in India”.
Note : Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Brand Ambassadors and Prominent/other Members/Supporters of WRF are not responsible for the contents, publications, activities, blogs, etc of WRF hence there are always certain possibilities for difference of opinions between each and every human being in as many matters. They shall only be considered the supporters of general functioning and motto of the WRF.
Note : Interested persons from all over the world who could genuinely like and support WRF are cordially invited to join as members of WRF or be supporters as per the individuals choice.
For the publication and presentation of Author’s (Founder) new innovations, inventions, works & activities of social causes, thoughts, ideologies, suggestions, guidance etc...
To bring necessary reforms throughout the world wherever required towards near perfection for complete peaceful globe with the real offerings of the happy and healthy living system...
Reform is defined as to correct someone or something or cause someone or something to be better. It is the high time to reform, simplify, modernize the matters and materials wherever it is required for the convenient...