Beg For More Community / Public Toilets

excretions are the unavoidable ones. The present day human beings cannot do their excretions very openly as animals. So it is a must of the life system to have toilets in every house and dwelling places including all work places. Here also the questions arise how many of the houses, educational institutions, public offices and work places have sufficient hygienic lavatories in reality in such poor nations. 

From the personal experiences and very reliable information gathered from others during discussion and chats with many of the people have had bitter experiences of struggling, bitter and killing conditions with the troubles of very urgent natural calls. But the result is the non-availability of public toilets in their nearby vicinity to attend the discharging of the huge problems of that particular times.   

It might not be the problems for VIPs and VVIPs as they always travel in good comfortable cooling cars or higher vehicles and casually stay and do it in star hotels. They might not have experienced these difficulties after their elevations as to the level of present time common road walkers, laymen, trespassers, simple vendors, villagers to the towns and others for longer duration due to govt. office works, purchases, etc. We have been witnessing in every day to day life how the male humans are doing excretions in all the sides of the public places in poor nations and spoiling the area due to the non-availability of sufficient public toilets and it could not be described by words about the conditions of womenfolk in this matter. Do not know the time for the complete relief for this one. We pray to everyone in powers. It is seemed many are not having really understood the gravity of this problem. Many in powers have always been talking a lot about many secondary or unwanted subjects only.

WRF wants to give this V. V. essential facility with the priorities in construction than many more new worship places(already in abundance and not many aren’t properly maintained), govt's cheap food selling places, even extra libraries and huge expenses  for gala celebrations, new statue things and even the additional hospitals because  places for excretions are the very important one to even the hospitals and in fact next only to food. If excretions are discharged in time more than 1/3 of the human diseases would gone automatically and the need of the disease treating places and expenses would/could be reduced. 

Food selling businesses are being done by many many people from  floor/hut old lady shop to 5-7 star hotels at lowest to highest prices. The governments may not do this business cum service matter as already the existence of enormous people involved in this industry. The lavatory service could only be done by government / pro government and a very few social service private organizations. 

More private service organizations and MNCs may be inducted in this area with the offering of suitable govt base places in suitable places so to be many such large community lavatories constructed by them as free donations towards great public service. 

WRF beg all the concerned authorities around the world to provide many more numbers atleast 10 times of the present day availabilities of community latrines in all the required places in your countries. By doing this alone any poor country will reach 50% of the beautyness and cleanliness to the  total atmosphere in addition to the increased respect in the world arenas with the boost to more international tourists. In some nations formality type schemes of providing public latrines with just few rooms which also facilitate the local politicians to earn some immoral money by poor constructions and without the permanent maintaining persons and the same would become useless in a very short period then abandoned which leads to demolition. This has been happening in many places. Therefore it is requested to make very big 2/3 storied 50 to 100 rooms at the minimum at one construction in good quality with 24 hours water facility and compulsorily in high standard with the maintenance personnelAnd it is also requested to give this facility free of charge/fee.

Thanking you all.